Rectangle CMU Lesson Plan

Drawing Rectangles, on paper preparing, the CMU Academy Canvas Using Python


 Based on a needs assessment indicating students lacked basic math and geometry skills and found the CMU platform confusing, this lesson aims to target developing those core competencies. By focusing on drawing rectangles, it will build math and spatial reasoning abilities using simple paper-and-pencil exercises. The use of Python code will be minimized to avoid digital barriers, and clear language will be used in instruction and materials.


The goal is to establish foundational knowledge of geometry, coordinates, and sizing in an accessible way that prepares students to transition confidently to more advanced computer science concepts on the CMU Academy platform. By breaking the process down into basic shapes and components, students will gain confidence in core skills applicable across contexts, readying them for the digital CMU Academy canvas.


Learning objectives.

Students will be able to explain how the x, y coordinate system works on the CMU Academy canvas by writing an explanation on a how-to guide.


Students will be able to calculate what the width and height parameters control when drawing a rectangle on the CMU Academy canvas by describing it on a how-to guide.


Students will be able to draw rectangles by specifying x, y, width and height values using Python code for CMU Academy by creating a Python program to draw a rectangle and executing it on a paper canvas.


Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the coordinate system, sizing, and coding by creating a how-to guide for drawing rectangles on CMU Academy canvas using Python.



Learning materials using (e.g., videos, readings, tools).



Warm up – have them draw a rectangle a square and a rectangle on a piece of paper.

Have them label the x and y axis

Cmu Academy – Unit for rectangles to introduce concept

In class instruction

Video for directions if extra support needed


Activities students to do.



Activity 1: Warm-up Drawing on Paper

Objective Measured: Students will be able to draw rectangles by specifying x, y, on a piece of paper.


Activity 2: Introduction to CMU Academy Unit on Rectangles

Objective Measured: Students will be able to show how the x, y coordinate system works on the CMU Academy canvas by writing python code on a piece of paper.



Activity 3: In-Class Instruction

Objective Measured: Students will be able to draw the x, y coordinate to make a rectangle on a piece of paper from python code.  


Objective Measured: Students will be able to calculate what the width and height parameters control when drawing a rectangle on a piece of paper from python code.



Activity 4: Hands-On Practice Drawing Rectangles on Paper

Objective Measured: Students will be able to draw rectangles by specifying x, y, width, and height values using Python code for CMU Academy by creating a Python program to draw a rectangle and executing it on a paper canvas.


Activity 5: Creating How-to Guides

Objective Measured: Students will be able to draw rectangles by specifying x, y, width, and height values using Python code for CMU Academy by creating a Python program to draw a rectangle and executing it on a paper canvas.


Objective Measured: Students will be able to explain how the x, y coordinate system works on the CMU Academy canvas by writing an explanation on a how-to guide.


Objective Measured: Students will be able to calculate what the width and height parameters control when drawing a rectangle on the CMU Academy canvas by describing it on a how-to guide.


Objective Measured: Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the coordinate system, sizing, and coding by creating a how-to guide for drawing rectangles on CMU Academy canvas using Python.